Jun 21Liked by Melodie Roschman

It's been a few years since I watched Pride, and that end scene has me sobbing now just as much as then. In the Tik Tok, I love his metaphor of "planting trees you will never sit under.". It's so important to remember that any small progress we make today will be a foundation for future progress.

I would get so frustrated by people where I worked in Maine bad-talking their unions (mainly due to the fees), because when a union is working, it's doing SUCH good work. I was talking to someone today having issues with her employer, and if she could be part of a union, the employer's behaviour should be stopped well before it got to me as a medical provider. I compare her case to that of people in the teacher's union here, and they get SO much more support and have lawyers and resources to aid them. Meanwhile the first person had to hire an outside HR consultant to get advice.

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Jun 21Liked by Melodie Roschman

Very thoughtful. We all need to learn to listen more and spend time in person , not online, solving conflicts and coming up with solutions to work together better.

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I am getting so tired of social media! People are willing to say things they would never say to someone’s face.

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